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Visibility Post Types

Hasmia Visibility Posts are divided into two categories: main types and sub-types. Main types include posts about organizations and professionals, while sub-types encompass all other forms of posts related to them. This distinction allows for better organization and targeted visibility, ensuring that content is linked to the accurate owner and reaches the right audience effectively.


Share your organization and relevant details to make it easy for potential clients to find your services. A visibility post is the first step toward boosting your exposure on Hasmia, helping you reach a wider audience and increase your impact.


Share your professional visibility post along with detailed information about your skills, making it easy for people in your neighborhood and beyond to find and contact you effortlessly, marking the beginning of your exposure boost on Hasmia.


Sub-type visibility posts must be linked to a main type post in order to exist. These posts can only be created through or by the owner of a main type post and must be associated with either organizations or professionals, ensuring they are always connected to a primary post.

Specific Gigs

Leverage your skills and experience to earn on Hasmia by offering specialized gigs with set timelines at a fee. Let members of your neighborhood and beyond, find your valuable services that fit their needs.

For Sale

Are you a professional or organization with physical products to sell in Ghana? Post them on Hasmia to quickly connect with interested buyers and boost your sales.

For Rent

If you specialize in renting out physical products in Ghana, post them on Hasmia to quickly connect with interested renters.

Delivery & Transport

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for delivery services has continued to grow. Add your delivery routes and pricing to start receiving orders today.


What services do you or your organization offer? Share a post on Hasmia to inform interested users about the professional services you provide.

Repairs & Installations

In today’s world, the need for repairs and installations is constant. Make it easy for people in your neighborhood to find and reach you when they need your services.

Food & Drinks

Are you a food vendor or restaurant owner? List your menu, food, and drinks here to start receiving orders from customers nearby.

Courses & Training

As a school or professional educator, you can share details about your courses and training, allowing your target audience to learn more about what you offer and your teaching methods. This helps relevant learners discover and engage with you more effectively.

Hotels/Short Stay

Hotels and short-stay accommodations are in high demand as both long- and short-distance travel continues to grow. With the surge in international and local tourism, your property has the opportunity to capitalize on this thriving market.

Job Vacancies

Jobs are the main source of income for billions globally, and job vacancies are essential for finding, recruiting, and hiring skilled individuals to help grow your business or complete projects on time and within budget. With Hasmia’s active community, you can quickly and affordably find local talent nearby.


Post your locations and venues for holidays, special occasions, festivals, explorations, and more. Let users in your community satisfy their adventurous and outgoing nature while adding excitement to their daily lives.

Properties/Real Estate

The real estate industry can be highly profitable, but it often suffers from slow turnovers and lengthy deal closures. Hasmia helps overcome these challenges by serving as a powerful discovery tool. Whether targeting rental clients or homebuyers, Hasmia’s tight-knit local communities offer real estate professionals efficient connections and faster transactions.


Whether you’re selling or renting new or used vehicles, Hasmia enhances your visibility, bringing more potential customers to your garage and inventory. This increased exposure helps drive traffic and boosts your chances of closing successful deals.


Leverage your skills and experience to earn on Hasmia by offering specialized gigs with set timelines at a fee. Let members of your neighborhood and beyond, find your valuable services that fit their needs.


Are you a professional or organization with physical products to sell in Ghana? Post them on Hasmia to quickly connect with interested buyers and boost your sales.


If you specialize in renting out physical products in Ghana, post them on Hasmia to quickly connect with interested renters.

Delivery & Transport

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for delivery services has continued to grow. Add your delivery routes and pricing to start receiving orders today.


What services do you or your organization offer? Share a post on Hasmia to inform interested users about the professional services you provide.

Repairs & Installations

In today’s world, the need for repairs and installations is constant. Make it easy for people in your neighborhood to find and reach you when they need your services.

& Drinks

Are you a food vendor or restaurant owner? List your menu, food, and drinks here to start receiving orders from customers nearby.

& Training

As a school or professional educator, you can share details about your courses and training, allowing your target audience to learn more about what you offer and your teaching methods. This helps relevant learners discover and engage with you more effectively.

/Short Stay

Hotels and short-stay accommodations are in high demand as both long- and short-distance travel continues to grow. With the surge in international and local tourism, your property has the opportunity to capitalize on this thriving market.


Jobs are the main source of income for billions globally, and job vacancies are essential for finding, recruiting, and hiring skilled individuals to help grow your business or complete projects on time and within budget. With Hasmia’s active community, you can quickly and affordably find local talent nearby.


Post your locations and venues for holidays, special occasions, festivals, explorations, and more. Let users in your community satisfy their adventurous and outgoing nature while adding excitement to their daily lives.

/Real Estate

The real estate industry can be highly profitable, but it often suffers from slow turnovers and lengthy deal closures. Hasmia helps overcome these challenges by serving as a powerful discovery tool. Whether targeting rental clients or homebuyers, Hasmia’s tight-knit local communities offer real estate professionals efficient connections and faster transactions.


Whether you’re selling or renting new or used vehicles, Hasmia enhances your visibility, bringing more potential customers to your garage and inventory. This increased exposure helps drive traffic and boosts your chances of closing successful deals.